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How to get on This Morning to share your story

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    Do you want to get on This Morning or other TV shows to share your story?

    Talk to the Press don’t just supply the national newspapers and magazines with stories, we supply stories to This Morning, Good Morning Britain, Loose Women, etc.  Talk to the Press writer Amy Sharpe took her client Sanika Hussain onto ITV’s popular daytime TV show earlier this week.

    IMG_0090Sanika, 25, a student from Bradford, made national news when she underwent drastic leg-lengthening surgery to be make herself taller.

    She tells how she was labelled a ‘freak’ and bulled throughout school because of her height.

    Before the surgery she was 4ft 5ins and now she is 4ft 8ins.

    However, the extra inches to her height came at a price. The risky surgery involves breaking both of her shin bones, inserting metal rods and fitting braces to stretch her legs. Incredibly, it took Sanika nearly five years to recover from the surgery – and she was bedbound for most of her recovery.

    Today, she’s finally had the metal cages removed which were supported her bones growing back and now she can walk unaided. But she’s been left with dented and scarred legs because of the intrusive surgery.

    IMG_0098Editor Georgie originally placed Sanika’s story exclusively with The Sun in 2011, just after the surgery. We stayed in touch with Sanika over the years and this month she told us she’d like to do a follow-up story about how her life is now.

    We put Sanika’s inspirational story out on our news wire where it made in a number of national publications – including the Mail Online. After, we contacted This Morning to see if they’d like Sanika and her mum to Join Eamon and Ruth on the sofa.

    They loved the story and wanted her on the show straight away. Two days later, Sanika and her mum travelled to London to take part.  All their travel expenses were paid for and the pair were put up in a lovely hotel the night before – so they didn’t have to rush around in the morning.

    In the morning before they went on air, the pair had their hair and make-up professionally done and enjoyed hanging out in the green room with other celebs waiting to go on.

    Here are some snaps of Amy, Sanika and her mum on the show.


    How can I get on This Morning or Good Morning Britain?

    If you’d like to be on TV you need to share your story with a paper first. Generally, TV follows what appears in the national papers first and then do a follow-up.

    Talk to the Press are experts at telling your story, your way, and ensuring that you get as much media attention as possible. This means you will achieve the highest fee possible for your story and have the final say about how your story is told.

    Simply fill out the form on this page to tell us a little about your story.  One of our team will call you right back to discuss your options.  Nothing will be printed without your agreement.


    You can read more about selling a story to a magazine or newspaper here.  For more ways to contact Talk to the Press, click on the link or navigate using the menu above.  Or, follow this link to visit the Talk to the Press homepage.


    See a small selection of our recent clients here…

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