Would you like to sell a video clip? Caught something amazing, funny or newsworthy on camera? Want to earn cash from your footage? You’re in the right place.
Talk to the Press works with every major television network, news site and publication.
We’ll distribute your video footage to the appropriate publishers or TV shows, and our payment tracking system will ensure that you’re paid every time it’s used.
Find out what my Video Footage is Worth
To sell a video clip, simply upload it using our Transfer tool below. We’ll let you know what your clip is worth. Don’t worry, we will never use or share anything you send us without your permission.
Submit Video or Image

Find out what your content is worth
Submit your footage or images using our secure transfer tool
If you are nervous about sharing the footage, you can tell us about the video using the form on this page instead. We’ll get back to you to find out more.
Sell a Video Clip – What happens next?
Once you send your footage using our Video upload tool, it will be reviewed by one of our video experts working within our Video team.
We’ll get straight back to you if your video looks suitable for the news and entertainment outlets we work with.
If you decide to go ahead, we will distribute your video and you can watch the payments roll in using our Google backed payment tracking system.
What type of Videos are we looking for?
Because Talk to the Press works with all major publications and production companies around the world, we’ll consider almost any entertaining or newsworthy video. Here are some examples of the video footage we’re looking for:
- Breaking news content: Have you captured an unfolding news story?
- Celebrity video footage: Have you captured a celeb, star or politician on film?
- Crazy, bizarre or entertaining: Did you capture something incredible on camera?
- Funny pet and animal videos: Everyone loves a cute or amazing pet video!
- Anything else: If you think it’s newsworthy, or guaranteed to go viral, we want to see it!
More information about how to sell a video clip
You can find more information about how to sell a video, photo or story to the press here. Or take a look at the Sell My Story page.
To find out more about Talk to the Press, visit our About Us page.