…your stories, told with truth, integrity & for the highest fee

Press Agent

Talk to the Press: Submit your Story, Video or Images right here.

Stay in control of your content, and get the highest payment guaranteed, from the largest, and most trustworthy, independent press agency on the planet:

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    Talk to an award winning press agent in how to deal with the press

    Are you looking for a press agent to help you handle press attention?

    If you’re looking for a press agent to handle press on your behalf, you’ve come to the right place. We are a specialist and award-winning press agency founded to help ordinary people looking for a press agent.

    Perhaps you are caught up in a media storm and need a press agent to manage press. Perhaps you are looking for a press agent to help you raise awareness of a cause, or get you publicity for a campaign. Whatever your need for a press agent, contact us to find out more.


    Press agent – what you need to know

    What is a press agent?

    A press agent is a person who arranges publicity and interviews with press of an individual or business.

    How much does a press agent cost?

    Our press agent service is free. We get paid by the publication we place your story with. Some press agents charge monthly fees, without guarantee of any coverage.

    How do I choose a press agent?

    Discuss your needs with a number of different press agents, and choose a press agent that best understands your press requirements.
    What can a good press agent do?

    A good press agent can get you the publicity or interviews you want with national newspapers and magazines. A good press agent can help you get your message into the press.

    Can a press agent get me on television?

    Absolutely – if that’s the sort of coverage you want, tell your press agent. A good press agent should have contacts across the media – we have contacts on newspapers, magazines as well as a number of television shows and production companies.

    Contact our publicist to sell a story

    Our publicist will give advice to sell your story

    Sell My Story

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    Submit Your Story, Pictures or Videos Here
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      Max. file size: 30 MB, Max. files: 10.
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

      Large files?

      If your video or picture images are too big for the form above, you can send them separately here.