…your stories, told with truth, integrity & for the highest fee

Sell my camera phone footage: Talk to the Press

Talk to the Press: Submit your Story, Video or Images right here.

Stay in control of your content, and get the highest payment guaranteed, from the largest, and most trustworthy, independent press agency on the planet:

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    I want to know how to sell my camera phone footage: Why your camera phone can make you a fortune!

    kerry-katona-fpMost people have smartphones in today’s digital age and sometimes they can come in handy when you spot a celeb behaving badly. Last week, we received a tip from a passenger who had witnessed Kerry Katona drunk and disorderly at 11am outside Gran Canaria airport.

    The mum-of-five had her trousers down and was rolling around on the ground until a friend helps her pull up her jogging bottoms.

    Our tipster happened to be on a coach waiting to leave in the airport when he spotted the ex Atomic Kitten star. Thinking quickly on his feet, he pulled out his phone and took two videos of Kerry.

    At the time, he didn’t think much of it and called us on the off chance they would be worth something. He spoke to our senior feature writer Amy who told him the story was strong and he’d receive a great fee for passing it onto us.

    We placed the story exclusively with The Sunday People – where it appeared as a front page story and a double page spread inside.

    After, we syndicated the story on our news wires and it made in other online and print editions – meaning more money for our tipster!

    Appearing in hard print generates a lot more money than appearing online (online publications don’t pay much for using content) but it all adds up to money in our tipster’s pocket. So, next time you spot a celeb or a person of interest behaving badly or doing something unusual make sure you have your phone handy.

    Although it can be tempting to upload the video onto Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat or share with your friends on Watsapp – don’t.  If you do that others will claim your footage and sell your story – and you’ll lose control of it. Wait until you’ve spoken to us and we’ve sold it exclusively for you – once it’s published you can send the link to YOUR story round. Exciting!

    Sometimes videos are time sensitive too, so the quicker you contact us, the more your video will be worth.  Don’t hesitate because others won’t.


    To contact us you can phone, email, or use our Story Valuation form (just briefly describe your footage and we’ll tell you what it’s likely to be worth.  See our Contact Talk to the Press page for more ways to reach us.  For more information, you can read this page: Sell my story, photo, or video.


    Sell My Story

    Valuation Form

    Submit Your Story, Pictures or Videos Here
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      Max. file size: 30 MB, Max. files: 10.
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

      Large files?

      If your video or picture images are too big for the form above, you can send them separately here.