Do you have a strong weight loss story? We want to hear about it! You’ve done the hard work and you deserve to feel great and show off a little bit. Magazine editors love to see positive and uplifting weight loss stories, and what’s better is that they will pay generously for them. Feedback from readers tells us that they’re inspired and motivated by a good weight loss story, so we always love putting them in the magazines.
Read Lindsay Moore’s inspirational tale about what motivated her to slash her dress size in half, and finally feel comfortable in her own skin. We placed Lindsay’s story in The Sun Woman Diet Club section.
Most of us dread posing for a family picture, but Lindsay had a particular feeling of dread when it came to getting her picture taken. Why? Because all of her three sisters were skinny-minnies and at 21 stone, Lindsay felt like the ‘fat sister’ and the odd one out.
Determined to do something about it once and for all, after years of being shames by unflattering snaps, Lindsay, 26, decided to embark on a dramatic weight loss plan. Incredibly, Lindsay ditched her Chinese takeaway habit and went from super-size to super svelte in just two years, losing half her body weight — ten stone — and nine dress sizes.
She says: “Watching the weight fall off gave me the confidence to keep going. It was hard giving up the junk food at first, but I did it.”
She lost a staggering 10 stone and is now a size 10. Her waist is also 18inches slimmer, which means her beloved son Dylan can now wrap his arms around her. Lindsay says: “I won’t delete the Facebook photos of me looking fat because they motivate me to keep the weight off.
“Now I wear jumpsuits and dresses on the dance floor and it feels great standing next to my sisters when we’re clubbing.” For the first time, Lindsay can borrow clothes from slim Lisa. She says: ‘When I was able to get in to a pair of Lisa’s shorts, I knew I wasn’t big any more. I love the way I look now. I’m just as fit as my sisters and confident. I’m grateful to them for being so supportive when I was losing the weight.”
As soon as we heard her inspirational story, we knew a newspaper would be interested. And we secured her an exclusive deal with The Sun for her weight loss story. On top of that, Lindsay will be appearing in a women’s magazine very shortly.
The newspapers and magazines love inspirational weight loss stories, especially those with a great selection of ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos. So if you’ve got a weight loss story you’d like to sell, email us on on or fill out the sell my story form to the right. And don’t forget to add your incredible pics!
You can read more about the process of selling a story on our Sell My Story page, or see our Frequently Asked Questions page. If there is still anything else you want to know, just give us a call and go straight through to one of our friendly features team.